I have picked www.chanwon.com as a good blog for me. This is because I like the content of what the blogger writes. The blogger's name is Chan Won. Basically, she writes about fashion, beauty, travel and her lifestyle. What do girls nowadays like? They like Korea and Japan fashion and beauty just like me, and this is the reason why I like her blog because she has the same taste like me. Chan Won often shares about her dressing style and beauty tips. For example, one of her blog is about what to wear during Chinese New Year and it is quite useful for me because I have no idea what to wear. The clothes that she chooses are simple yet fashionable. Besides, she often gives review on different makeup and skin care products and recommend the best ones for her readers. She will describe that particular product in detail like the texture of the product and suitable for which kind of skin type, so that the readers can make decision on whether the product is worth purchasing or not. Furthermore, Chan Won also will share about her itinerary for places that she travel. She has been to 8 countries. She always shares about the must go places and the must eat foods in the country she visited. It is very useful for people who are planning to travel. Moreover, she will also shares about the must buy things in the country since everyone will search for what to buy in that country before they travel.
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